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Nitrogen Gas For Tires


Nitrogen in Tires

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According to Wikipedia, the atmospheric combination of the earth looks like this;

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• 78.08% nitrogen

Nitrogen Gas For Tires

• 20.95% oxygen

Nitrogen in Tires

• 0.93% argon

• 0.04% carbon dioxide

• In minute trace amounts; neon, helium, methane, krypton, hydrogen, nitrous oxide, xenon, ozone, nitrogen dioxide, iodine, carbon monoxide, ammonia.

• At the face of the earth between 1% - 4% of the climate is in the form of water vapor.

The last time I had my car serviced, the technician asked if I would like to put on a set that used pure nitrogen in tires instead of appropriate air. Being skeptical, I asked what the discrepancy was. My car guy just kept saying, Nitrogen is dry and does not cause rotting. Remembering my high school chemistry days, (barely) I did remember that Nitrogen is lighter than oxygen and is an inert element.

Oxygen on the other hand, reacts with everything. Oxygen breaks down organic compounds in food, oxygen fuels fire, and oxygen also causes metals to rust. By cleverly removing the oxygen from the combination and having nitrogen in tires eliminates the oxygen that over time will wear away at the rubber inside the tires. So far this sounds great, but what about the extra cost? Is it worth it?

A nitrogen molecule is slightly larger than an oxygen molecule, which is one of the major selling points for dealerships selling nitrogen instead of a appropriate air pump. Properly inflated tires will sacrifice the wear on tires and in the long run, conserve fuel. Airplanes and race cars have their tires filled with nitrogen for this fancy and also the fact that nitrogen on its own is non-flammable, development it safer for vehicles that routinely travel at break neck speeds.

Since this is a fairly new concept, I would suggest the following;

If you are purchasing a brand new car, go with the nitrogen in tires. From the start, your car is free of rust having your tires filled with nitrogen will keep the rust out of a mounted tire and wheel assembly. It is recommended however, that you still accomplish periodic checks of your tire pressure. Even though the molecules are larger, air may still dissipate from your tires.

If your car is not a brand new car, chances are that within your wheel assembly, there will already be some damage due to rust. In this case, it will not matter because even tires filled with nitrogen will leak air.

Regardless if you are a traditionalist and always get free air from the pump, or a pioneer who will in the future only use nitrogen in tires, one thing is for certain, be sure to routinely check your tire pressure. This is the best way to keep your car safe on the road and to economize on fuel.

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Airless Tires

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Airless Tires? I guess that's what our time to come is seeing like.

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Tire Pressure - Nitrogen Vs Compressed Air

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One of the most leading parts of your car is each of the four tires. They constitute the interface of your car with the road. Given their importance, doesn't it make sense to give some concept to what you put in the tires to inflate them? The issue boils down to nitrogen versus compressed air.


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Replacing the Air in Your Vehicle's Tires With Nitrogen Gas Can Save You Money on Vacation Driving

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Not only can travelers save money on gasoline by replacing the air in their vehicle's and Rv's tires with nitrogen gas, they can save money on their every day driving as well. Study shows that drivers can heighten their gas mileage by over three percent when they use nitrogen in their motor vehicle's tires.

This is not a new technology as it has been used for many years by market airlines as well as in Nascar cars. The Federal Aviation supervision (Faa) mandates that nitrogen gas be used in all market aircraft tires to eliminate the possibility of water vapor frozen at high altitudes which happens with air filled tires. The Nascar teams use nitrogen in the tires of their racing cars because the tire pressure fluctuates less than it does with air.

Nitrogen Gas For Tires

How can using nitrogen gas in your vehicle's tires save you a lot of money?

Replacing the Air in Your Vehicle's Tires With Nitrogen Gas Can Save You Money on Vacation Driving

First of all, you do not need to buy new tires to make the change, your gift tires will be fine. By using nitrogen gas in your tires you can heighten your vehicle's fuel efficiency and save a lot of money in the process. Nitrogen in your tires also improves your vehicle's handling and extends the life of your tires so you will have to replace them less often. There is no quiz, that in this era of report high gasoline prices you will reap essential savings on all your driving for many years to come.

How can using nitrogen gas in your vehicle's tires also advantage our environment?

By using nitrogen gas instead of air in you vehicle's tires, it will help to better enunciate proper tire air pressure. This optimizes tire road touch which reduces tire/road resistance. Because of this, the fuel cheaper is increased and less exhaust emissions enter into the atmosphere. You might say that by going green you are also rescue green, greenbacks, that is.

How can you do your part to help America's cheaper sacrifice its dependence on foreign oil?

Current Study shows that if every driver in the United States substituted the air in each of their vehicle's tires with nitrogen gas, they would heighten their gas mileage by over three percent. This translates into a whopping rescue of approximately four trillion gallons of gasoline per year!

For more data and Study data on the growing use of nitrogen gas in motor vehicles' tires including those of market carriers, visit Get Nitrogen at their website, In expanding to the research, you will find a growing list of registered dealers settled in the United States and Canada that can replace the air in your tires with nitrogen.

Here are some leading points on how you can save gas and lessen green house gas emissions at the same time by not driving on under inflated tires, either you are using air or nitrogen gas in them.

Firstly, check your vehicle owner's manual for the optimum tire pressure.

Use a tire gauge to accurately quantum tire pressure. A visual tire inspection is not reliable.

Only quantum tire pressure when they are cold. You should wait approximately three hours for the air inside your tires to cool down before measuring the tire air pressure.

Lastly, and probably the most leading point, always check the air pressure in your vehicle's tires at least once a month.

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The consulation for Nitrogen, Tires and saving Gas

Back again. Nitrogen Gas For Tires in Festival Black Friday Sale & Cyber Monday 2011.

There are many Nitrogen Gas For Tires that often offer lower prices for the New Year. Our web site. Nitrogen Gas For Tires Has prepared a special promotion. For many products lowest prices of the year. Nitrogen Gas For Tires for Americans in particular.

Does filling your tires with nitrogen save you gas? There is a large group of advocates who say yes. Here is why they say that.

One of the biggest drains on fuel cheaper is under inflated tires. The National Highway Traffic security management says that properly inflated tires can enhance gas mileage by nearly 3 percent. The Epa estimates that at least 30% of the cars on the road have at least one under inflated tire.

Nitrogen Gas For Tires

It is estimated that drivers in the Us aggregately loose more than 2 million gallons of gas every day due to under inflated wheels. Decreased air pressure causes the tire to flatten which creates more exterior area in the middle of it and the road. The greater exterior area increases disagreement which causes the motor work harder.

The consulation for Nitrogen, Tires and saving Gas

When an motor has to work harder it burns more gas. More tire exterior due to under inflation means it takes more power to roll. More power needed means less fuel economy. A tire that is correctly inflated is going to roll more absolutely using less power from the motor and less gas.

What does this all have to do with nitrogen? I'm getting to that. So we have established that under inflation uses more gas. Why do tires become under inflated? The simple answer, it looses air. That doesn't mean you have a leak.

Tires are made with permeable materials. That means that the small air molecules can fly over time. As the molecules of air fly the tire looses pressure. It is a natural occurrence. That is why it is suggested that you should check your tires once a month.

A tire that is inflated with Nitrogen looses its pressure 3 times slower than if it were inflated with air. This is because Nitrogen is denser than Oxygen which means it has larger molecules and will seep out of the tire less absolutely than air. That will consequent in a significantly slower loss of pressure over time.

Since your tires will loose pressure more slowly, they will contend themselves at close to the optimum pressure longer then they would with air. That means less under under inflation, less friction, and less gas needed to move your car forward.

That is how nitrogen helps you get best fuel economy. The cost of filling the wheels with nitrogen is nearby .00 per tire. Is it worth it? Those who advocate nitrogen say absolutely it is. however there are those that don't agree. Before you run off and spend .00 getting your tires filled with nitrogen it might make sense to hear from the other camp.

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Nitrogen Gas For Tires

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Back again. Nitrogen Gas For Tires in Festival Black Friday Sale & Cyber Monday 2011.

There are many Nitrogen Gas For Tires that often offer lower prices for the New Year. Our web site. Nitrogen Gas For Tires Has prepared a special promotion. For many products lowest prices of the year. Nitrogen Gas For Tires for Americans in particular.

Nitrogen filled tires maintains tire pressure great than air and keeps tires 20% cooler. Less heat results in less tire degradation. When tires are filled with nitrogen, they use less fuel, prolongs the life of your tires, reduces tire failures, and can improve handling and performance. It has more mass, so it migrates straight through the tire three to four times slower resulting in tires retention their psi longer. Not only does having nitrogen in your tires produces less heat, but it drastically reduces oxidation on the rim and inner-liner. Oh yeah, it is also environmentally safe.

Correct inflation is very primary when inspecting tire life and performance. It is not always inherent to look at a tire and detect under-inflation. When tires are under-inflated, they can cause many tire connected problems. Nitrogen has been used in tires for many years on aircraft, troops vehicles, off road trucks, race cars, and even Tour de France bicycles to help combat under-inflated tires.

Nitrogen Gas For Tires

How nitrogen works and what it does

Using Nitrogen For Tire Inflation

As we know, nitrogen makes up the majority of the air that we breathe. It is contained in the protein of all life on earth. Some of the properties of nitrogen is that is colorless, tasteless, and is not toxic. The next most tasteless component of air is oxygen. Together, nitrogen and oxygen make up about 99% of the air we breathe and traditionally fill tires with.

Because nitrogen is a larger molecule than oxygen, it cannot escape as actually as oxygen straight through rubber tire walls. Leaking at a much slower rate than oxygen, a tire filled with a higher division of nitrogen maintains its proper pressure longer than air-filled tires. It is known that proper inflation provides great fuel economy, great handling, longer tire life, and increased security by reducing the likelihood of tire failures such as blowouts.

Another fact about nitrogen is that it is not flammable. Oxygen is a flammable gas and nitrogen is an extinguishing gas. In a vehicle fire, ruptured air-filled tires fuel the fire and nitrogen filled tires slow the fire.

The bottom line is that proper tire pressure is a big deal, and using nitrogen for tire inflation is not just practical but necessary.

More facts on nitrogen inflation can be found at There you will find one of the foremost business machines the Ntf-4 Nitrogen System. The Ntf-4 Nitrogen generator for wheel inflation is designed for the car dealer, lube shop, auto mend facility, car lifts dealer, or small automotive shops.

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Nitrogen Gas For Tires

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Nitrogen Gas For Tires
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With the addition prices of petroleum based fuels - most notably gasoline, the motoring public is looking for ways to improve the fuel efficiency of their cars. separate aftermarket products are positively available to them and the use of which can dramatically growth their car's fuel efficiency. For those who are planning to buy cars, they may opt for alternative fuel powered vehicles or a hybrid electric vehicle like the Toyota Prius.

A car's wide array of components plays roles in the fuel efficiency of a vehicle just like the Volvo S40 parts that determine how an S40 performs. One of the parts in the wide array of vehicle components that can lead to good fuel cheaper is the tires although the fact is generally overlooked except by a knowledgeable few.

Nitrogen Gas For Tires

While the fact that the tires play a major role in the fuel efficiency of a car is always overlooked, the Us power agency stated that by having under inflated tires, we lose as much as two million gallons of gasoline everyday. The most generally used gas to inflate a car's tire is oxygen. The use of ordinary gas can lead to faster diffusion which will corollary to an under inflated tire. The reply to this predicament is the use of nitrogen. Since nitrogen diffuses slower than oxygen and is more abundant, the gas is a logical solution to the problem.

Accessible Nitrogen Gas Dispenser For Cars and Light Trucks

TireLast System, a company located in Lafayette, Colorado, capitalized on this and industrialized their UltraAir nitrogen. The UltraAir nitrogen gas is a compressed gas devoid of oxygen and moisture.

The use of UltraAir results to lesser diffusion and therefore reduces the incidences of under inflated tires. The use of UltraAir is so victorious that the company received requests for a self-service nitrogen tire filling station. The company is, of course, glad to oblige. This is evident in their improvement of an UltraAir Nitrogen Vending motor which is card operated for use by car and light truck owners.

The vending motor will be featuring a smart card that users can use to pay for the estimate of nitrogen gas consumed as well as for the microprocessor which controls the tire filling ability of the machine. The vending machines will employ a VendiPay prepaid card which will be available in market soon. The availability of such machines allows car owners to fill their tires and pay for them positively and relatively inexpensively. The machines will be artificial in Colorado and will soon be available for the eagerly waiting motoring public.

Aside from the fact that nitrogen diffuses slower than oxygen, the UltraAir Nitrogen is also devoid of moisture. The proximity of moist air inside a car's tire is a presume for some tire blowouts. The corollary of moist air inside a tire is it weakens the tire's internal steel belts. Therefore, using UltraAir that is devoid of any moisture, motorists are less prone to having tire blowouts which can be a very inconvenient predicament. The use of UltraAir will not only lead to longer diffusion of the tires but also protect the internal steel belts of the tires.

The use of nitrogen on car tires as a pressurizing agent would certainly decrease the estimate of vehicles out in the road today with under inflated tires. It has been estimated that 30 to 50 percent of all vehicles currently being employed has at least on tire which is under inflated. With this in mind and the fact that a tire's condition affects the fuel efficiency of a car, the use of nitrogen in tires will positively be welcomed.

Accessible Nitrogen Gas Dispenser For Cars and Light Trucks
Nitrogen Gas For Tires
Does Nitrogen in Tires Save Gas? Tube. Duration : 2.65 Mins.

Does Nitrogen in your tires really save gas and save money? Take a look at this report.

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Does Filling My Tires With Nitrogen Really Help?

Maintaining proper air inflation in your tires is a very important part of routine auto maintenance. Not only do properly inflated tires give you better traction and better gas mileage, but they also provide a much higher degree of safety. Underinflated tires are easily damaged by the road, and you run the risk of suffering a complete blowout every time you drive on tires with low air pressure.

The winter is an especially important time to check your air pressure regularly. Fluctuations in temperature quickly deflate tires over time, which makes more frequent air fill-ups necessary. As a rule, you should be checking your tire pressure every time you fill up your gas tank. You may have heard that for every 10 degree increase or decrease in temperature, the PSI in your tires falls or rises by 1. Over time this significantly affects the air pressure in your tires and can override any performance, mileage, or safety characteristics your tires would normally provide.

Nitrogen Gas For Tires

Is there anything you can do to stop air from leaking out during wintry temperature fluctuations? Many drivers believe that switching to nitrogen instead of compressed air can help. Unlike the oxygen molecules in compressed air, nitrogen molecules are large and don't leak out of the tire as easily. This results in tire pressure that stays constant three to four times longer than a tire filled with compressed air.

Does Filling My Tires With Nitrogen Really Help?

Will filling your tires with nitrogen really make a difference this winter? Sure it will, but it is NO SUBSTITUTE for routine air checks. Nitrogen will still leak out eventually, but it will last longer than you're used to. Don't get a false sense of security and fill your tires with nitrogen and then forget about them all winter. If you've been following the rule of checking your tire pressure each time you fill up your tank, you can now extend that rule to every other time you fill up the tank.

Only certain locations provide nitrogen fills, so be sure to call ahead to your local auto shop to see if they provide this service as it grows in popularity.

Does Filling My Tires With Nitrogen Really Help?
Nitrogen Gas For Tires
Does Nitrogen in Tires Save Gas? Video Clips. Duration : 2.65 Mins.

Does Nitrogen in your tires really save gas and save money? Take a look at this report.

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Like everybody else who drives, you have been feeling the squeeze on your pocket book from the rising gas prices. The days of cheap gas for our automobiles are probably over. And now you need to know how to make buying that tank of gas less painful.

There are many things you can do to save on your gas bill, and one thing that may be overlooked is increasing your gas mileage through your tires. Yes, proper inflation will help slightly, gives a more comfortable and safer ride, but have you ever considered inflating your tires with nitrogen?

Nitrogen Gas For Tires

The newest ingenuity in automobile tires is nitrogen inflation. Automotive racers (such as NASCAR) use nitrogen instead of air in their tires because of the many advantageous, the least of which is improved gas mileage. You can increase you gas mileage by 5 to 15% simply by filling your tires with Nitrogen, which can be done at a nominal cost of to , and you won't have to worry nearly as much about properly inflated tires.

Save Money and Gas, Fill Your Tires with Nitrogen

Our air is made up of nitrogen, oxygen and other gases, but by filling your tires with nitrogen you eliminate the troubles oxygen has with our tires. Air corrodes aluminum and steel wheels, causing leaks through valve stems, wheel flanges and around the tire beads. Air also migrates through rubber. Air actually escapes through the rubber whether there is a leak or not. Plus, there is humidity in the air, which accelerates rust and corrosion. If you have ever wondered how one tire could "look low" this is why. You could be losing 2 psi a month with air, compared to taking 6 months with nitrogen. By maintaining better air pressures, you improve rolling resistance, have better tread wear and lower your fuel consumption.

Nitrogen tires will also run cooler then tires inflated with air, which keeps tire pressures more constant (won't increase or decrease with rising or lowering temperature). You are better able to keep your tire pressures at the recommended pressure, which will also improve tire life and gas mileage.

But how much can you really save? Let's say you add nitrogen to the tires on your full size, regular cab pick-up. You were getting approximately 15mpg average, and now you are getting a 16mpg average. Doesn't seem like much, but over time can add to substantial savings. It cost you per tire, or to fill your tires with nitrogen to get a 6 2/3% increase in your gas mileage, which equals a 6 2/3% savings on each gallon of gas you buy. If you are buying gas at per gallon, you save nearly $.20 per gallon. You will save with each 15 gallon fill or recoup your expenses after 4 fill-ups. And then you can begin counting the profits from you quick and easy investment in nitrogen filled tires.

If you want to save money on gas, just start driving less. If you can't do that, improve your gas mileage, and one of the easiest ways you can do that is ride on nitrogen.

Learn how to save more in our age of rising fuel prices at

Save Money and Gas, Fill Your Tires with Nitrogen
Nitrogen Gas For Tires
Does Nitrogen in Tires Save Gas? Video Clips. Duration : 2.65 Mins.

Does Nitrogen in your tires really save gas and save money? Take a look at this report.

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Nitrogen For Your Tires!

A popular joke in the 1960s at full service gas stations was "filler up with Ethel and change the air in my tires." Today with the price of gasoline approaching .00 per gallon, why not replace the air in your tires. Not with air but with nitrogen. Filling your tires with nitrogen rather than air will improve gas mileage, help maintain correct tire pressure, keep tires 25% cooler, improve handling and performance and prolongs the life of your tires. NASCAR drivers use nitrogen in their tires for safety reasons, you can too.

Why should you stop putting air in your tires! Compressed air you find at tire shops, gas stations and the compressor you use at home have a high concentrations of water vapor. Compressing air concentrates the water in it and unless really efficient air dryers are used chances are there is water vapors in your tires. Water vapor absorbs and holds heat. This wet air plus heat can increase the pressure in your tires, causing highway blow outs, and is one of the reason you should check your tire pressure when they are cold.

Nitrogen Gas For Tires

This article is not about the nitrogen. It's really about reducing oxygen and water vapor in your tires. The air in our tires is composed of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen and about 1% water vapor and other gases. When pure dry nitrogen is used to replace the air in your tires it improves fuel efficiency, handling and it will extend the life of steel rims or custom wheels and tires. By reducing oxygen and water vapor in your tires from 22% to less than 7%, your tires will maintain pressure three to four times longer. Plus it will keep you safer on the highway.

Nitrogen For Your Tires!

How does oxygen and water damage my rims and tires? Oxygen, especially at high temperatures and pressures, corrodes aluminum, steel wheels and rubber. This process is called oxidation. When oxidation occurs small particles of rust and aluminum oxidization in your steel or aluminum wheels can clog valve stems, causing them to leak. The oxidation can cause the surfaces of your wheel flange and tire beads not to seal properly causing another leak point.

Oxygen can also age the thin layer of rubber called the inner liner or radial ply. As the inner liner ages, more and more air migrates through the rubber, causing additional pressure losses. As oxygen migrates through rubber it can come in contact with steel belts and the steel bead causing them to rust.

While both nitrogen and oxygen can migrate through rubber, nitrogen does it much slower. It might take six months to lose a couple of pounds of nitrogen, compared to less than a month with wet compressed air. Dry nitrogen does not cause rust and corrosion on steel rims or aluminum custom wheels, and it does not degrade rubber like wet compressed air.

Where can I get nitrogen for my tires? Nitrogen is becoming very popular with long haul trucking. Some truck stops have nitrogen available for these big rigs either free or by paying a small fee. They use the same type pay stations that you see at gas stations except they are marked "Nitrogen". These nitrogen stations are then connected to large nitrogen cylinders near by.

You can also buy your own small inexpensive Nitrogen Tanks and have them filled at welding supply stores in your area. Another source for small nitrogen tanks is Paint Ball supply stores either local or on the internet. eBay is a good source. These small nitrogen tanks can be filled at welding supply stores and then easily plumbed to fill your tires. Use caution when handling these small nitrogen tanks as they can be filled to as much as 3000 psi. Also make sure the nitrogen tank you purchase has a regulator attached and it is set for about 50 psi.

Filling your own new tires with nitrogen is a simple process. Jack up one tire until it just clears the ground, remove the tire valve stem and allow the air in your tires to escape. Once all the air escapes install a new valve stem. Then simply fill your tires with nitrogen from your small nitrogen tank. Repeat the process with the other 3 tires. Do not forget your spare! Your tires should now have about 95% dry nitrogen and you have significantly reduced all the hazards and oxidation problems mentioned above.

If you own a tire store and would like to provide nitrogen for your customers buy a Ingersoll Rand Nitrogen Tire Inflation System.

Nitrogen For Your Tires!
Nitrogen Gas For Tires
Does Nitrogen in Tires Save Gas? Video Clips. Duration : 2.65 Mins.

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Nitrogen Tire Inflation System

Until very recently, advances in tire technology concentrated on the rubber, tread, and the radial metal used in the structure of the tire. Over the past twenty years, the humble tire has come a long way, but one thing remained constant. The means by which the tire was inflated. Now, thanks to huge research into what could improve tire performance for all drivers, nitrogen tire inflation systems are available that are set to revolutionize the whole industry.

Using regular compressed air to fill tires has been the standard practice for more than a century, but the fact is, the air inside the tire is one of the main contributing factors in tire degradation, which can lead to a catastrophic failure in the tire. Using a nitrogen tire inflation system allows you to replace the regular air in the tire with pure inert nitrogen gas, which in turn protects the rubber, and has a number of other important benefits for drivers.

Nitrogen Gas For Tires

Using a nitrogen tire inflation system allows you to give drivers a more efficient, safer, and more comfortable drive. There are many reasons for this, but they are all related to the fact that when you use nitrogen to fill the tire rather than regular air, less of it escapes, meaning that the pressure is more reliable, so the tire stays at its optimum level.

Nitrogen Tire Inflation System

Normal ambient air contains around 78% nitrogen; however, the remaining 22% is made up of other gases, including around 21% oxygen. Oxygen is one of the most reactive gases in the world, and it can cause a great deal of damage to both the rubber of the tire, and the metal of the rim. Over time, the oxygen degrades the rubber and the metal making the valves less effective, and the rubber more porous. A tire filled with regular air starts to deflate gradually.

Low pressure in a tire means that it has a higher rolling resistance. In turn this means that the engine has to work harder to push the car along, meaning a higher fuel bill. By using a chemically inert gas with a system, you are able to guarantee a higher internal pressure in the tires. This provides a better ride, better fuel economy, and of course better safety, as a tire that is properly inflated is less likely to fail in use due to proper distribution of weight, and even wear.

Over the next couple of years, as concern about man made climate change grows, and with the ever increasing cost of fuel, many drivers are going to be looking for an edge from their workshop. Nitrogen tire inflation systems are set to be that edge. Imagine being able to offer a single service that can improve fuel efficiency by an average of 8%, extend the lifetime of an expensive part of a car, and provide your customers with a better ride. You can with a Nitrogen tire.

These systems have been extensively tested by manufacturers such as RTI, and are demonstrating some excellent results. For example, the RTI RTINTF-15 Plus is an excellent piece of equipment for inflating nitrogen tires. The headline of these results is the 8% improvement in fuel economy. To put that amount into perspective, over 12 months, a person who spends per week on fuel would potentially save up to 0 thanks to just replacing the air in their tires with pure nitrogen.

Offering the best possible service to the people who use your workshop or auto repair center means bringing them the latest advances first. Nitrogen tire inflation systems can give your business an edge over the competition, providing you with the means to provide a service that other people cannot, and that can only be a good thing for you and your bank balance.

Nitrogen Tire Inflation System
Nitrogen Gas For Tires
Does Nitrogen in Tires Save Gas? Video Clips. Duration : 2.65 Mins.

Does Nitrogen in your tires really save gas and save money? Take a look at this report.

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