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Nitrogen Gas For Tires


The consulation for Nitrogen, Tires and saving Gas

Back again. Nitrogen Gas For Tires in Festival Black Friday Sale & Cyber Monday 2011.

There are many Nitrogen Gas For Tires that often offer lower prices for the New Year. Our web site. Nitrogen Gas For Tires Has prepared a special promotion. For many products lowest prices of the year. Nitrogen Gas For Tires for Americans in particular.

Does filling your tires with nitrogen save you gas? There is a large group of advocates who say yes. Here is why they say that.

One of the biggest drains on fuel cheaper is under inflated tires. The National Highway Traffic security management says that properly inflated tires can enhance gas mileage by nearly 3 percent. The Epa estimates that at least 30% of the cars on the road have at least one under inflated tire.

Nitrogen Gas For Tires

It is estimated that drivers in the Us aggregately loose more than 2 million gallons of gas every day due to under inflated wheels. Decreased air pressure causes the tire to flatten which creates more exterior area in the middle of it and the road. The greater exterior area increases disagreement which causes the motor work harder.

The consulation for Nitrogen, Tires and saving Gas

When an motor has to work harder it burns more gas. More tire exterior due to under inflation means it takes more power to roll. More power needed means less fuel economy. A tire that is correctly inflated is going to roll more absolutely using less power from the motor and less gas.

What does this all have to do with nitrogen? I'm getting to that. So we have established that under inflation uses more gas. Why do tires become under inflated? The simple answer, it looses air. That doesn't mean you have a leak.

Tires are made with permeable materials. That means that the small air molecules can fly over time. As the molecules of air fly the tire looses pressure. It is a natural occurrence. That is why it is suggested that you should check your tires once a month.

A tire that is inflated with Nitrogen looses its pressure 3 times slower than if it were inflated with air. This is because Nitrogen is denser than Oxygen which means it has larger molecules and will seep out of the tire less absolutely than air. That will consequent in a significantly slower loss of pressure over time.

Since your tires will loose pressure more slowly, they will contend themselves at close to the optimum pressure longer then they would with air. That means less under under inflation, less friction, and less gas needed to move your car forward.

That is how nitrogen helps you get best fuel economy. The cost of filling the wheels with nitrogen is nearby .00 per tire. Is it worth it? Those who advocate nitrogen say absolutely it is. however there are those that don't agree. Before you run off and spend .00 getting your tires filled with nitrogen it might make sense to hear from the other camp.

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Nitrogen Gas For Tires

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Back again. Nitrogen Gas For Tires in Festival Black Friday Sale & Cyber Monday 2011.

There are many Nitrogen Gas For Tires that often offer lower prices for the New Year. Our web site. Nitrogen Gas For Tires Has prepared a special promotion. For many products lowest prices of the year. Nitrogen Gas For Tires for Americans in particular.

Nitrogen filled tires maintains tire pressure great than air and keeps tires 20% cooler. Less heat results in less tire degradation. When tires are filled with nitrogen, they use less fuel, prolongs the life of your tires, reduces tire failures, and can improve handling and performance. It has more mass, so it migrates straight through the tire three to four times slower resulting in tires retention their psi longer. Not only does having nitrogen in your tires produces less heat, but it drastically reduces oxidation on the rim and inner-liner. Oh yeah, it is also environmentally safe.

Correct inflation is very primary when inspecting tire life and performance. It is not always inherent to look at a tire and detect under-inflation. When tires are under-inflated, they can cause many tire connected problems. Nitrogen has been used in tires for many years on aircraft, troops vehicles, off road trucks, race cars, and even Tour de France bicycles to help combat under-inflated tires.

Nitrogen Gas For Tires

How nitrogen works and what it does

Using Nitrogen For Tire Inflation

As we know, nitrogen makes up the majority of the air that we breathe. It is contained in the protein of all life on earth. Some of the properties of nitrogen is that is colorless, tasteless, and is not toxic. The next most tasteless component of air is oxygen. Together, nitrogen and oxygen make up about 99% of the air we breathe and traditionally fill tires with.

Because nitrogen is a larger molecule than oxygen, it cannot escape as actually as oxygen straight through rubber tire walls. Leaking at a much slower rate than oxygen, a tire filled with a higher division of nitrogen maintains its proper pressure longer than air-filled tires. It is known that proper inflation provides great fuel economy, great handling, longer tire life, and increased security by reducing the likelihood of tire failures such as blowouts.

Another fact about nitrogen is that it is not flammable. Oxygen is a flammable gas and nitrogen is an extinguishing gas. In a vehicle fire, ruptured air-filled tires fuel the fire and nitrogen filled tires slow the fire.

The bottom line is that proper tire pressure is a big deal, and using nitrogen for tire inflation is not just practical but necessary.

More facts on nitrogen inflation can be found at There you will find one of the foremost business machines the Ntf-4 Nitrogen System. The Ntf-4 Nitrogen generator for wheel inflation is designed for the car dealer, lube shop, auto mend facility, car lifts dealer, or small automotive shops.

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Nitrogen Gas For Tires

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